Have you ever noticed how successful people – those who are accomplished in business, sports or life in general – have one thing in common?
They surround themselves with other successful people.
Oprah Winfrey, a self-made billionaire and one of the most successful businesswomen in the world once said, “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” Given everything that she has accomplished over the years, it’s certainly hard to argue with her logic.
As we start a new year, now is a great time to ask: What is it you want more of in your life over the coming months? Career advancement…more meaningful work…greater balance…
Then question: Are you surrounding yourself with the right people to make it happen?
Jim Rohn theorized that we are the average of the 5 people with whom we spend the most time. Take a moment to really think about that. Are you being inspired, challenged and uplifted by those you spend time with?
Is your circle of acquaintances – whether friends, family, colleagues or mentors – truly bringing out the best in you, personally and professionally?
If the answer is no, the time to make a change is now. Here’s how you can turn things around.
Assess Your Current Network
What does your current circle look like? Do the people you spend time with now support you and actively help you reach your goals? And, by the way, this applies to every area of your life – not just business. If you want financial success, stop hanging around with people who make poor financial decisions. If you want to have a happier marriage, surround yourself with individuals and couples who are in successful relationships.
Eliminate Negativity
It’s impossible to be positive 100% of the time, and people are entitled to have a bad day every once in a while. But if you’re regularly engaged with others who thrive on negativity, it will eventually drain you of your own energy and happiness (if it hasn’t already).
Switch Directions
There is an old adage in business that if you want to become more successful you should reach out to those in organizations and positions you aspire to. Invite them to coffee or lunch. Ask for their insight, advice or guidance. Tell them why you’ve sourced them out and want to talk with them. It’s not uncommon for top leaders to relate to where you are coming from as they too climbed the ladder or overcame hurdles to achieve career success. Above all, don’t be afraid to be bold and let your passion show. (Read more about the power of connecting in my article: Champions Will Drive Your Success)
Start the Change Now
It’s easy for us to say we want to make changes in our lives – to get a better job, achieve more success, make more money – you name it. However, the difference between those who actually do accomplish these things and those who are left with the same resolutions, year after year, is taking the necessary steps to make it happen.
If you aren’t already surrounding yourself with positive, successful people – people who inspire you, challenge you, support you and push you to step outside your comfort zone – it’s time to make a change now.
Not tomorrow. Today.
Best-selling author and successful entrepreneur Seth Godin said, “The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something.”
I encourage you to really be honest with yourself about whether the people you are currently surrounding yourself with are truly going to help you achieve the success you strive to accomplish over the coming months. If the answer is no, the time to take action is now. Only then will you begin to drive the changes necessary to achieve your career goals and make 2017 the best year yet.
Author: Joanne Loberg of JL Careers Inc. is a Certified Executive Coach and Internationally Certified Career Management Professional. She has a reputation as a highly sought after Career Consultant and she has been referred to as “an absolute expert at navigating the complex territory of career advancement.” Copyright JL Careers Inc. All rights reserved.
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I look forward to hearing from you!
Joanne Loberg
Certified Executive Coach & Internationally Certified Career Management Professional
JL Careers Inc