Adapted with permission from “What’s Your CQ?” by E. Fleeham, Chemical Engineering Progress, Copyrights 1999 AIChE
Is your career on-track or off-track? Your Career Quotient measures how well you are managing your career. Circle your answer for each question, then use the scoring guide below to evaluate your CQ.
- Career Satisfaction: Currently, I am (a) on track with my career, (b) a bit bored and coasting (c) disengaged and needing a new career direction or challenge.
- I wrote a formal Career Plan, (a) in the last 12 months, (b) more than a year ago, (c) never.
- I completed a formal survey of my professional Skills and personal Values (a) during the last year, (b) more than a year ago, (c) never.
- My Resume is (a) 3 months old, (b) 12 months old, (c) more than
1 year old. - I keep an up-to-date Professional Portfolio of my performance – accomplishments, achievements, and special projects. (a) Yes, (b) No.
- (a) I have a strong network where I work, (b) I don’t have an internal network.
- I make (a) about 2 Networking Contacts weekly, (b) about 1 networking contact weekly, (c) networking contacts only when there’s a need, (d) I don’t have time for networking.
- To keep my career on track, I ask for new projects and tasks,
(a) every 3-6 months, (b) yearly, (c) never. - Professional Development: Last year, I led a technical or professional organizational committee, attended 2+ technical meetings, attended a workshop or conference.
(a) 2 or more, (b) 1 of these, (c) none of these. - Mentoring and Championing: My boss is aware of my career aspirations, I have a mentor, I have champions within my organization who support my career development: (a) all of these, (b) 2 of these, (c) 1 of these, (d) none of these.
1. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0 2. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0
3. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0 4. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0
5. a = 1 b = 0 6. a = 1 b = 0
7. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0 d = -1 8. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0
9. a = 2 b = 1 c = 0 10. a = 3 b = 2 c = 1 d = 0
How did you rate?
If you scored:
19 or more:
Very strong CQ! Congratulations; you are effectively managing your career.
13 to 18:
Above average. You only need minor adjustments to increase your CQ.
7 to 12:
Average. Are you coasting in your current job or frustrated that you’re not advancing? Focus on developing 1 or 2 of the above CQ areas.
Below 7:
Your career is off-track, or is heading that way. Consider devoting more energy and effort to managing and shaping your career. Identify 1 thing you can do this week to re-ignite your career.
Increase your CQ and Career Success:
A Career Coach will help you get unstuck and start getting more of what you want in your career. Contact me today for for a complimentary 20-minute Career Consultation.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Joanne Loberg
JL Careers Inc.
Certified Executive Coach /
Internationally Certified Career Management Professional